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Get Involved

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Hope Vision Foundation has set several big goals for the remainder of 2021 and 2022. Many people lost vision during the pandemic and did not have access to services during that time. The need is great and the time is now!

Your support will directly support people living with vision loss in our communities through the following programs.

Provide in-person and online education workshops to share practical skills and information to improve the quality of life of people with visual impairment and their care partners. Our focus is safety, independence, and empowerment. Our online school is located at

Need: $10,000 per year.

Increase outreach and support to community organizations throughout the South Sound by providing vision fairs. At these events we do vision screening, connect people to resources and allow people to try out assistive devices and adaptive technology. See our calendar for scheduled events.

Need: Equipment and Volunteer Support, $1,500 per fair.

Build our device lending library and store to improve access to the right device at the right time at an affordable price.

Need: $25,000 for device purchases, medial maintenance and support for users.

Hire Vision Rehabilitation Specialists and Occupational Therapists to improve access to trained professional low vision rehabilitation.

Need: $75,000 per therapist annually for salary, medical records and assessment and training equipment

Volunteer Your Time

Community outreach, education, and patient care is time intensive. We need your positive energy and experience. You can be a friendly face, understanding ear, or help answering phones. You can help provide information at an outreach event, help with vision screening or device demos. If you are tech savvy you can help with teaching accessibility or with our social media outreach. Your unique talents and experience can help us grow and serve.

Please volunteer with us and make a difference now!

Community Partner

We are looking to partner with other community organizations and businesses to increase awareness and access to low vision rehabilitation in our communities. As a community partner you help us create resources to serve your neighbors, clients and family. As a community partner your logo will be featured on our website. Stand up for vision now!