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Fact Checking Policy

At Hope Vision Foundation, we are committed to delivering accurate, trustworthy, and reliable information to our audience. Our fact-checking policy ensures that every piece of content we publish is thoroughly vetted for accuracy and integrity. Below is an overview of our fact-checking process.

Fact-Checking Checklist

We follow a structured fact-checking process, divided into two key layers: the Surface Layer of Facts and the Deeper Layer of Facts.

Surface Layer of Facts

The surface layer focuses on verifying basic, easily checkable facts such as names, titles, numbers, and physical descriptions. We ensure the following:

Names, Titles, Place Names

When referencing specific people, organizations, or locations, we confirm the following:

  • Correct spelling of names, including variations (e.g., John Parks may prefer Jonathan Parks).
  • Accurate job titles, including former or current roles.
  • Precise place names and addresses, ensuring correct cities, states, and countries (e.g., Paris, Texas vs. Paris, France).

Numbers and Statistics

We carefully examine and verify any numerical data, such as:

  • Business durations (e.g., “10 years in business” must be confirmed against the current year or company founding date).
  • Quantities of products or services (e.g., “982 varieties of houseplants” may need to be generalized as “nearly 1,000 varieties” if the number fluctuates).
  • Market share percentages, revenue figures, or any other statistical claims must be corroborated with industry data or reliable sources.

Time, Distance, Date, Season

When time-based facts are mentioned, such as operating hours or seasonal schedules, we verify:

  • The accuracy of hours and opening dates for different seasons (e.g., “6 a.m. during the growing season” must include the specific season dates).
  • Travel times, distances, or the number of employees referenced, ensuring all claims are clear and relevant.

Physical Descriptions and Superlatives

We aim to ensure that descriptions and superlative claims are both accurate and contextually appropriate. For example:

  • Descriptions such as “always the sweet smell of soil” must consider seasonal variations.
  • Superlatives like “world’s best” are treated as opinions unless backed by an external, verifiable source.

Deeper Layer of Facts

The deeper layer involves verifying more complex and nuanced facts, such as scientific studies, historical references, and paraphrased information. These facts often require more time and scrutiny.


We rigorously examine any studies or research claims. For example:

  • Scientific claims, such as “Houseplants purify air,” will be checked against current, peer-reviewed research.
  • When citing studies (e.g., a NASA study on houseplants), we ensure that the date of the study is accurate and the conclusions are represented correctly.

Historical Facts and Quotes

We verify both the accuracy of quotes and their underlying claims. For instance:

  • Quotes like “Plants make people happy and healthy” are fact-checked for both accuracy of the statement and supporting evidence (e.g., studies that back up this claim).
  • If a quote includes inaccurate or subjective information (e.g., “Dinosaurs became extinct due to lack of plant life”), we will clarify or omit the statement as appropriate, or contact the source for clarification.

Other Facts and Bias

We ensure all paraphrased information and critical arguments are based on verified facts. Our commitment includes:

  • Cross-referencing facts with multiple reputable sources.
  • Being vigilant against biased or one-sided sources, aiming to provide a balanced and objective representation of the information.
  • Avoiding quotes or data taken out of context and ensuring statistical or factual claims are presented fairly.

Source Evaluation

We carefully evaluate the credibility of the sources we use. This includes:

  • Reviewing the “About” page of a source to understand their mission, background, and potential biases.
  • Ensuring that any cited statistics or facts are corroborated by at least two independent, credible sources.
  • Taking note of subtle biases or omissions in the sources and addressing them in our content.

Corrections and Accountability

If any inaccuracies are discovered in our content after publication, we are committed to correcting the mistakes promptly and transparently. Readers can contact us at to report errors, which will be reviewed and rectified.


At Hope Vision Foundation, we take pride in providing accurate, well-researched, and reliable information. Our detailed fact-checking process ensures that every claim, statistic, or opinion presented on our website is vetted, making us a trusted resource for our readers. We remain committed to upholding the highest standards of truthfulness and integrity in all our publications.

For more information, please feel free to contact us at

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